Congratulations to the Knight Family for being our August 2018 Family of the Month! Matt and Jenny are the parents of Carson, who is in our pre-kindergarten class. We asked Matt and Jenny to share a little bit more about their family.
“As a family we enjoy spending time outdoors (boating at the lake, riding bikes, hiking), traveling, and exploring new places. Anything that keeps us active and gets us out of the house! I am the Sales and Business Development Manager for an aerospace manufacturing company on the west side of Indianapolis, called Applied Composites Engineering (ACE). We design and manufacture composite aircraft structures and components for civil and defense customers, internationally. If you have flown on a commercial airline then you have likely been on an aircraft with parts manufactured by ACE. Jenny works for Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, who provide accounting services to the United Stated Department of Defense. We are both Air Force veterans and Jenny enjoys continuing to serve the Military Services and DoD civilians in this capacity. We are an easy going, fun loving family that enjoys meeting new people and getting involved in new things – don’t hesitate to say “hi” when you see us around!”
Thank you for your service to our country! It is such a blessing to have Carson at The Little Lamb Christian School!